Strategies for CyberBullying Prevention and Response

The act of cyberbullying is defined as when someone bullies through electronic means such as cell phones, computers, and tablets. The act of bullying includes posting, commenting, threatening, and messaging inconvenient, harmful, negative, or abusive content. Due to the dramatic increase in digital activities and usage of social media (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Snap Chat, Twitter, etc.), the risks of exposure to cyberbullying for children and teenagers are critically high. Because it usually occurs through SMS, direct messages, game applications, or online forums. Some acts of cyberbullying are subject to unlawful and criminal activities too. Therefore, this course targets providing teachers’ development on the issue.

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Inclusive Education and Special Needs

Inclusive education is the most effective way to give all children a fair chance to go to school, learn and develop the skills they need to thrive. Inclusive education means all children in the same classes and schools. This means real learning opportunities for traditionally excluded groups, not only for children with disabilities but also for speakers of minority languages.

Inclusive systems value the unique contributions students from all backgrounds bring to the classroom and allow diverse groups to grow side-by-side for the benefit of all. In inclusive education, the participation of all individuals in the educational content at school is crucial and is one of the priorities of the Erasmus+ program. Therefore, we invite all trainers who want to increase their skills in this subject to benefit from this course.

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Digital Tools for an Innovative Classroom

The use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) in education can significantly contribute to a quality education and its effectiveness. This course is planned for teachers of all disciplines who want to increase their competence in using technology in the classroom. All participants aiming to use open educational resources, gain new skills, create an exemplary course and raise awareness about the possible disadvantages of ICT in education

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Digital Tools for an Innovative Classroom

The use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) in education can significantly contribute to a quality education and its effectiveness. This course is planned for teachers of all disciplines who want to increase their competence in using technology in the classroom. All participants aiming to use open educational resources, gain new skills, create an exemplary course and raise awareness about the possible disadvantages of ICT in education.

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Game-Based Learning Strategies in the Classroom

Gone are the days of learning with textbooks. As an educator, you have probably experienced how difficult it is to meet different student needs while trying to keep student interest high. Game-based learning is an engaging and exciting way to engage students in academic learning. Wherever you are in your educational career, this course will help you learn what you need to know to integrate academic play into your classroom.

Game-based learning is a teaching strategy used to help define and support learning outcomes for individuals to achieve their learning goals. In order to keep students motivated to learn while playing, they need to have elements such as participation, instant rewards and healthy competition.

The great thing about game-based learning is that it’s available to everyone at all levels of education, from pre-school to post-secondary education and beyond.

This learning model brings the methods, rules, and social experiences of playing games into the classroom. This model allows teachers to target specific activities that will benefit real-world reflections of concepts. This can lead to more engaging and social learning opportunities.

Here are some reasons why teachers use game-based learning:

  • Low risk competition
  • Development of interpersonal, internal and other skills
  • Student-centered experiences
  • Interaction and motivation
  • Digital literacy
  • Offer problem-solving opportunities
  • Developing thinking skills
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Being an Active Citizen for Climate Change

In recent years, the deterioration of the ecosystem with anthropogenic effects and accordingly environmental events such as global warming, greenhouse effect, depletion of the ozone layer and climate changes have increased rapidly. Parallel to this, it has become an increasingly common view that education is the leading solution for raising environmental awareness. In particular, raising individuals at the desired level in solving environmental problems that concern all societies can only be realized with the importance given to environmental education. Environmental problems do not concern only one region of our planet or a particular country, but the whole world. Therefore, environmental education becomes an integral part of the education program of every country.

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Steam: A New Approach to Learning

STEAM is a learning approach that uses Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Mathematics as access points to guide students’ inquiry, dialogue and critical thinking.

Thanks to the developing technology, the traditional working environment is changing and new jobs are emerging every day.

Students are changing the way they learn, connect and interact every day. The skills students develop through STEM provide the foundations for success in school and beyond. In addition, employer demand for STEM qualifications and skills is high and will continue to increase in the future.

Through STEM, students develop core skills, including:
Problem solving
Critical analysis
Team work
Independent thinking
Digital literacy

With this course, you will encourage students to STEM career fields and connect the topics with real-life problems, get innovative ideas for hands-on activities, and have the chance to gain insight into STEM teaching methods and their application. It is an ideal training course for those who teach STEAM or want to integrate the STEAM approach into their curriculum. In addition, the skills and interdisciplinary work habits aimed with this course will support personal development in other areas as well.

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Environmental Sustainability and Education

Today’s world includes a range of environmental problems such as depletion of natural resources, air, water and soil pollution, climate change, resource waste, and loss of biodiversity. These problems can lead to the disruption of natural ecosystems, the exacerbation of global issues like climate change, and harmful consequences for human health.

As a result, various risks arise for the future of the world, including:

  • Decrease in water resources
  • Food security issues
  • Natural disasters
  • Loss of biodiversity

These problems require governments, private sector, and individuals worldwide to increase awareness of environmental issues and develop solutions. This may involve measures such as investing in renewable energy sources, working towards more sustainable use of resources, reducing waste production and increasing recycling. In this way, a more sustainable world can be created for future generations.

This Erasmus+ course on environmental sustainability and education is aimed at teachers and education staff who want to improve their knowledge and skills in this field and leave a livable world to future generations. With this course, you will have the opportunity to learn what environmental sustainability is, its basic concepts, how it affects people, what it means for the future, what can be done in education, what innovative approaches are, and see sample schools and classrooms.

As an educator, environmental sustainability education can provide many benefits for our students, including better understanding of the environment, a more sensitive approach to the environment, sustainable lifestyles, innovation, and new applications. This way, we can fulfill our responsibility and contribute to a livable future.

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