Digital Tools for an Innovative Classroom

Course Description

The use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) in education can significantly contribute to a quality education and its effectiveness. This course is planned for teachers of all disciplines who want to increase their competence in using technology in the classroom. All participants aiming to use open educational resources, gain new skills, create an exemplary course and raise awareness about the possible disadvantages of ICT in education


  • Understanding and building ICT/Digital education culture in your institution
  • Providing a conducive learning environment that will combine your existing knowledge and experience and with a good mix of theoretical and practical knowledge
  • Ability to use the most effective and favorite mobile applications
  • Effective use of cooperation and communication with other stakeholders in the use of ICT in education



 1st Day
  • Use of ICT in education
  • Why ICT
  • How to use/How not to use ICT
2nd Day
  • How to use ICT in the classroom
  • Creating an e-learning class page
  • Create and manage a quiz and assignment
  • Creating a lesson around a video
  • Examples and Usage Examples of schools using ICT
  • Hands-on work with a few tools that can be used in schools
3rd Day
  • Fun and effective tools
  • Sample mobile applications
  • Innovative ideas for learning that supports students
4th Day
  • E-learning, blended learning and flipped classroom
  • Practical group activities and discussion.
  • Understanding Academic Safety Nets and how the group of teachers, students and families can be an effective resource in creating a positive school environment
  • Social media
5th Day
  • Creation of sample course content by course members using the skills and strategies acquired during the week.
  • How can the achievements be integrated into the school curriculum?
  • Pair and group work activities;
  • Certificate Ceremony
  • Cultural Visit/Excursion
  • Increasing teachers’ ability to use ICT to encourage student interaction and collaboration
  • To increase teachers’ basic ICT literacy skills and use of ICT in pedagogical settings.
  • Using ICT for effective and appropriate communication.
  • Applying ICT skills and knowledge to their teaching in other fields.
  • Provide appropriate learning opportunities for all children
  • Applying hardware and software to creative and appropriate uses of knowledge
  • To be able to choose the most suitable tool according to the needs of the students.
  • Gain an overview of the many educational possibilities of using technological tools and the motivational dimension brought to the classroom when using them
  • Increasing the use of different educational applications in the classroom to provide the best learning experience for students
  • Increase their skills in social media, games and quiz applications
  • Develop effective communication skills to improve school relations among students, colleagues and families.
At The End Of The Course
  1. Certificates
  2. Course instructor and participant evaluation survey
  3. Course materials, videos, photos and pdf documents


Trainees will be given soft and hard copies of all lesson materials, which they can present  to their colleagues at their own organizations to generate interest in the strategies learnt during the training course. In addition, a mailing list of participants will be created in order to exchange ideas/experiences. Self-evaluation materials will be provided. At the end of the course the participants will fill in a questionnaire in order to get a detailed feedback for the effectiveness of the training event.

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