Every Child is Special

Course Description

Every Child is Special, “New Strategies for Students with Special Needs”

This course aims to assist teachers in developing teaching strategies that are suitable for students with different needs. Participants will learn different methods to understand students’ learning styles and needs, as well as new strategies to develop educational materials and learning environments to increase students’ confidence. The course also aims to enhance collaboration among teachers in Europe, experience different cultures, and share best practices.


  • Developing students’ competences regarding individual characteristics (strengths, preferences and diverse needs) and its implications for teaching and learning
  • Learn to explore the fundamental principles of more inclusive, differentiation in the classroom and apply techniques and strategies to foster active participation and motivation in today’s diverse classrooms.
  • Using guidelines, strategies and techniques to implement diversity to improve lesson design, teaching and support high levels of engagement and achievement for all students


1st Day
  • Meeting, warm-up and trust activities for effective and positive interaction during the course
  • Inclusive education in classrooms with equal opportunities
  • A new strategy ”Small Group Training”
  • Presentations of participating schools
2nd Day
  • Universal values and principles in classrooms with special needs for contemporary values
  • A new strategy: “Creating Class Centers”
  • Planning the teaching process
  • Teamwork and practical activities
3rd Day
  • A new strategy: “Blending the Basics with More Specific Instructions”
  • Designing lessons for students with special needs within the scope of universal values
  • Group work and practices practices


4th Day
  • A new strategy: “Rotation Lessons”
  • Planning learning environments specific to differences and courses
  • Different levels of books and materials specific to differences, in-class arrangements specific to differences
5th Day
  • A new strategy: “Thematic teaching”
  • Creating books and materials at different levels
  • Course evaluation: collection of acquired competencies, feedback and discussion;
  • Issuance of the Course Participation Certificate


At The End Of The Course

  1. Certificates
  2. Course instructor and participant evaluation survey
  3. Course materials, videos, photos and pdf documents



Trainees will be given soft and hard copies of all lesson materials, which they can present  to their colleagues at their own organizations to generate interest in the strategies learnt during the training course. In addition, a mailing list of participants will be created in order to exchange ideas/experiences. Self-evaluation materials will be provided. At the end of the course the participants will fill in a questionnaire in order to get a detailed feedback for the effectiveness of the training event