New Strategies for Students with Special Needs

Every Child is Special, “New Strategies for Students with Special Needs”

This course aims to assist teachers in developing teaching strategies that are suitable for students with different needs. Participants will learn different methods to understand students’ learning styles and needs, as well as new strategies to develop educational materials and learning environments to increase students’ confidence. The course also aims to enhance collaboration among teachers in Europe, experience different cultures, and share best practices.

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Digital Tools for Innovative and Collaborative Teaching

Course Description

This course helps educators explore how to make teaching processes more innovative and collaborative using digital tools. Participants will examine the impact of digital transformation on education and learn how to support innovative teaching methods and collaborative learning strategies with digital tools. This course aligns with the Erasmus+ program’s priority on digital transformation.

Course Methodology

The course is based on activity-based learning and group work. Participants will experience teaching with digital tools through practical activities and learn how to integrate these tools into educational settings. Each day, practical sessions will be complemented with brief theoretical content. The course will include references to articles and EU sources.

Course Objectives

  • To teach participants innovative teaching strategies using digital tools.
  • To create collaborative learning environments using digital tools.
  • To develop projects for digital transformation and innovative teaching.
  • To integrate digital skills into educational settings in line with Erasmus+ priorities.

Learning Outcomes

  • Participants will be able to implement innovative and collaborative teaching strategies using digital tools.
  • They will develop education projects with digital tools.
  • They will create collaborative learning environments for students.
  • Participants will actively use digital tools in their classrooms to enhance student interaction.
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Environmental Sustainability and Education

This Erasmus course on environmental sustainability and education is aimed at teachers and education staff who want to improve their knowledge and skills in this field and leave a livable world to future generations. With this course, you will have the opportunity to learn what environmental sustainability is, its basic concepts, how it affects people, what it means for the future, what can be done in education, what innovative approaches are, and see sample schools and classrooms.

As an educator, environmental sustainability education can provide many benefits for our students, including better understanding of the environment, a more sensitive approach to the environment, sustainable lifestyles, innovation, and new applications. This way, we can fulfill our responsibility and contribute to a livable future.

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Digitalization and Environmental Issues: Eco-centric approach

Environmental problems and climate change are critical issues to be addressed worldwide. Digitalization can provide us with enormous sources for developing projects regarding global warming, renewable energy, climate change, and zero-waste. This course is aimed to address environmental problems with the help of digital tools. It offers a unique approach through the combination of the two.

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Cultural Heritage: Rome

We aim to develop a deep appreciation of cultural heritage among Europeans and foster a sense of common identity. Consistent with the European Union’s unwavering commitment to cultural heritage, this program places a strong emphasis on the importance of protecting, promoting and sustainably using our cultural treasures. Recognizing that cultural heritage is a unifying force for Europe, the EU celebrates the vibrant mosaic of cultural diversity that shapes our collective identity.

At its core, this course aims to contribute to the European ideal in which diverse areas of culture, art and cultural heritage play a central role in promoting true openness and protecting fundamental rights. Our vision embraces the belief that open and interactive cultural processes facilitate coexistence and promote effective communication between different communities.

In addition to exploration, this program also integrates educational strategies specifically designed to increase sensitivity and awareness among participants. Through immersive learning experiences, our aim is to instill a deep sense of responsibility towards cultural heritage and encourage participants to become dedicated guardians of this priceless heritage.

This comprehensive educational journey invites participants to discover the unique and profound cultural heritage of Rome, the beating heart of Italy. Participants who are knowledgeable about the history, art, architecture and culture of Ancient Rome will be guided to uncover the cultural riches of this fascinating city.

In exploring Rome’s cultural heritage, we present it as an exemplary model, showcasing its numerous facets. From the breathtaking architecture of the Colosseum to the intricate art of the Vatican, each element contributes to the rich tapestry of Rome’s cultural heritage.

In the spirit of the European ideal, our course aims not only to explore but also to integrate the intrinsic value placed on cultural heritage. This is perfectly compatible with the strategic objectives of the European Union. Join us on this enlightening journey as we uncover the layers of history, art and culture that define Rome’s unique cultural heritage. Let’s actively integrate what we have learned into our educational practices by increasing awareness of cultural heritage among our students. Let’s embrace and celebrate together the diversity that enriches our common European identity.

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Digital Citizenship, Digital Media Literacy and AI Tools in Education

The use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) in education can significantly contribute to a quality education and its effectiveness. This course is planned for teachers of all disciplines who want to increase their competence in using technology in the classroom. All participants aiming to use open educational resources, gain new skills, create an exemplary course and raise awareness about the possible disadvantages of ICT in education


  • Understanding and building ICT/Digital education culture in your institution
  • Providing a conducive learning environment that will combine your existing knowledge and experience and with a good mix of theoretical and practical knowledge
  • Ability to use the most effective and favorite mobile applications
  • Effective use of cooperation and communication with other stakeholders in the use of ICT in education
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For Teachers: New Strategies For A Positive And Happy School

“When you create a positive classroom atmosphere, students learn better. Every student must feel safe and important in the class in order for maximum learning to take place. A positive classroom environment does not just happen; the teacher creates it.”  Ministry of Education, Guyana, Venezuela.

             Positive, productive learning environments are key to students’ academic, emotional and social success at school. Unfortunately, positive learning environments do not occur, they must be created. Creating a positive learning environment for students has a lot going for it. For new beginnings, positive learning environments should provide a safe environment where risk-taking is encouraged, open and authentic conversations are encouraged, trust and respect are encouraged, and positive interaction is the norm.

Happiness is subjective and the definition may change according to culture but common to schools is that they can support the well-being of individuals, families and communities. A happy school is a place where the principles of compassion, communication, and community-building are priorities.

Principles greater mindset changes and realization of people, process, and place measures.

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Environmental Sustainability and Education

This Erasmus course on environmental sustainability and education is aimed at teachers and education staff who want to improve their knowledge and skills in this field and leave a livable world to future generations. With this course, you will have the opportunity to learn what environmental sustainability is, its basic concepts, how it affects people, what it means for the future, what can be done in education, what innovative approaches are, and see sample schools and classrooms.

As an educator, environmental sustainability education can provide many benefits for our students, including better understanding of the environment, a more sensitive approach to the environment, sustainable lifestyles, innovation, and new applications. This way, we can fulfill our responsibility and contribute to a livable future.

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Strategies for CyberBullying Prevention and Response

The act of cyberbullying is defined as when someone bullies through electronic means such as cell phones, computers, and tablets. The act of bullying includes posting, commenting, threatening, and messaging inconvenient, harmful, negative, or abusive content. Due to the dramatic increase in digital activities and usage of social media (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Snap Chat, Twitter, etc.), the risks of exposure to cyberbullying for children and teenagers are critically high. Because it usually occurs through SMS, direct messages, game applications, or online forums. Some acts of cyberbullying are subject to unlawful and criminal activities too. Therefore, this course targets providing teachers’ development on the issue.

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Climate change is currently affecting every country on every continent. It affects and will continue to affect our quality of life unless we try to educate ourselves and our children to make changes in our lives that will less impact the environment.

The ‘My Eco-School and Sustainable Development’ course is aimed at teachers and education personnel who want to improve in the field of environmental education, management and sustainable development. It is a training course for preschool, primary and secondary school teachers, management staff and education staff. During this course you will learn more about the environmental issues facing our world and region and how it affects our lives and society, and the principles and techniques of education for sustainable development.

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