Digital Tools for Students with Special Needs

Course Description

        The “Digital Tools for Students with Special Needs” course is a training program that aims to provide teachers with the ability to create educational materials suitable for their students’ specific needs using digital tools. This course enables students to learn how to use digital tools in accordance with their different learning styles and specific needs.

        This course covers a range of topics involving the use of technology to meet students’ specific needs in the learning process. These include online tools and apps suitable for students with special needs, digital tools such as audiobooks, special apps and games. These tools attract students’ attention, increase their motivation and reduce difficulties in the learning process.

        This course provides teachers with practical information to learn how to support students with special needs using digital tools. Course participants gain the skills to understand students’ different learning styles and specific needs, and to select and use appropriate digital tools. In addition, teachers can create digital materials in accordance with students’ interests and needs.

        This course aims to equip teachers with the skills they need to teach effectively using digital tools for students with special needs. Course participants specialize in creating educational materials suitable for students’ specific needs, choosing appropriate digital tools to increase students’ success in the learning process.

Course Objectives:

  • To provide teachers with the ability to select digital tools that are suitable for students with special needs.
  • To give teachers the opportunity to experience how to customize the selected digital tools according to the special needs of their students.
  • To equip teachers with the ability to effectively use the selected digital tools with their students.
  • To improve teachers’ skills in applying digital tools according to the special needs of their students.

Learning Outcomes

  • Teachers will gain the ability to select and customize digital tools for students with special needs based on their individual requirements.
  • Teachers will have the opportunity to experience how to customize selected digital tools according to students’ special needs.
  • Teachers will acquire the ability to effectively use selected digital tools with their students.
  • Teachers will develop the skills to apply digital tools in ways that are suitable for students’ special needs.
  • Teachers will gain awareness of security and privacy issues related to digital tools.
  • Teachers will develop the ability to increase awareness of students’ special needs.

Programme of training activities day-by-day:

1st day
  • Introduction, icebreakers, and trust-building activities for effective and positive interaction throughout the course.
  • Participants’ school introductions.
  • Creating a general understanding of selecting digital tools suitable for students with special needs.
2 days
  • Effective use of selected digital tools with students.
  • Practical examples of how students with special needs can use digital tools.
  • Developing teachers’ skills in teaching digital tools to students.
3 days
  • How to customize digital tools for students’ special needs.
  • Examples of applications that can meet students’ special needs using digital tools.
  • Discussing sample cases to gain more skills in understanding and solving students’ special needs.
4 days
  • Creating awareness of security and privacy issues related to digital tools.
  • Guiding teachers on taking security measures and protecting data privacy while using digital tools.
  • Examples of how teachers can be aware of students’ digital security.
  • Recommendations for teachers on how to better respond to students’ special needs using digital tools.
5 days
  • Course evaluation: discussion and evaluation of acquired competencies, feedback, and course content.
  • Sharing course documents and records.
  • Giving out the Course Participation Certificate.

To follow

Trainees will be given hard copies of all course materials that they can present to their colleagues in their organization to spark interest in the strategies learned during the training course.

In addition, a mailing list of participants will be created to exchange ideas/experiences.

Self-assessment materials will be provided.

At the end of the course, participants will fill out a questionnaire to get detailed feedback on the effectiveness of the training event.

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