The Erasmus+
Programme Guide

The essential guide to understanding Erasmus+

About the Programme Guide

The Erasmus+ Programme Guide is essential to understanding Erasmus+. It provides participating organisations and individuals a comprehensive list of opportunities supported by the programme.

It is an integral part of the 2023 Erasmus+ Call for Proposals.

Who should read it

Organisations and institutions seeking funding in the framework of this call must comply with the conditions for participation and funding expressed in this Guide.

The document provides information on

the priorities of the programme

the funding available for different actions

the actions supported

detailed information on participation

How to read the Programme Guide

The Programme Guide has four main parts:

Part A

It provides information on the objectives, priorities and key features of the programme, participating countries, implementation structures and the overall budget available. It is prepared for those who want to have a general idea about the scope and structure of the program.

Part B

Provides specific information about the Actions of the Programme that are covered by this Guide. This section is mainly addressed to those who are interested in knowing more in detail which types of projects are supported by the Programme.

Part C

It provides information on the grant application and project selection procedures, as well as the financial and administrative provisions for granting the grant. It is for anyone who wants to submit a project proposal within the framework of the program.

Part D

Provides a glossary of useful terms.


This Programme Guide is a tool for anybody who would like to have a thorough knowledge of what the Erasmus+ Programme is about. This document is mainly addressed to those who wish to be:

  • participating organisations: meaning those organisations, institutions, bodies organising activities supported by the Programme;
  • participants: meaning those individuals (students, trainees, apprentices, pupils, adult learners, young people, volunteers, or professors, teachers, trainers, youth workers, professionals in the field of education, training, youth and sport, etc.) involved in activities organised by the participating organisations.

Every year, thousands of projects are submitted by organisations across Europe in order to receive financial support from the Erasmus+ Programme; for this reason, the Commission has set up a transparent evaluation process that aims at providing grants for the best projects:

  • for most Actions, all the rules and conditions for receiving a grant from the Programme are specified in this Programme Guide;
  • for some other Actions, which are only mentioned in this Programme Guide, the rules and conditions for receiving a grant are described in specific calls for proposals published by or on behalf of the European Commission.
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